شریک زندگی آدم کسیه که:
می دونه اعصاب نداری...!!! می دونه حوصله نداری...!!! می دونه بهونه می گیری بی دلیل...!!! اما بازمم می گه: تو یکی یه دونه ی منی
۲۲ اسفند ۹۵ ، ۱۰:۱۶

You are so awesome for helping me solve this myrsety.

heres some feedback: change the homepage back to the way it was. i'm really getting sick and tired of you people at youtube destroying your own site, first you put commercials in videos when you promised there would never be, then you destroyed your homepage, and now you've destroyed your suicirsptbon page. by the time this is out there, i'm deleting my youtube account and blocking it's access on all the networks i run, ty for destroying all that was good about youtube. goodbye